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Men's Guide to Balanced Hormones

Posted By: Dr. Gary Bellman

Many of today’s health problems can be attributed to hormone imbalance.  Hormones play a critical role in how we act, feel, and think. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, avoid illness, or enhance cognitive focus, imbalanced hormones may be the first area you target.
What Are Hormones?
Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to the organs and tissues. They tell our organs what to do and how to function – although they work more slowly than most other chemical messengers.
Hormones are made by endocrine glands, which are special groups of cells found throughout the body. The main endocrine glands are:
  • Pituitary Gland
  • Thyroid
  • Thymus
  • Adrenal Glands
  • Pancreas
Hormones are considered to be a dominant chemical messenger, which means you only need a small amount of hormones to cause significant changes in your organs or tissues.
Men and women mostly produce hormones in the same way outside of the sexual organs: men produce some of their hormones in the testes, while women produce hormones in the ovaries.
Hormones are classified into four different categories. You’ll find each category below along with some common hormones from each category:
  • Amino Acids, Like Epinephrine, Melatonin, And Thyroxine.
  • Eicosanoids, Like Thromboxane, Prostaglandins, And Leukotrienes.
  • Peptides, Like Amylin, Glucagon, Growth Hormone, Insulin, Leptin, And Lipotropin.
  • Steroids, Like Testosterone (Androgen Steroid), Estrone (Estrogen Steroid), And Progesterone (progestogen Steroid).
Understanding Hormone Imbalance
When our bodies are in a normal state, we produce a balanced range of hormones. Our organs and tissues are functioning in their optimal state.
However, when one or more hormones are altered, it can lead to a hormone imbalance. You might have a shortage of one hormone and an overproduction of another hormone.
The most common hormone imbalances involve estrogen and progesterone in women. These two hormones are frequently imbalanced for one or more reasons, including birth control pills, stress, or even the overuse of cosmetics.
Another common type of hormone imbalance involves male hormones and hair loss. The male body converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When DHT binds to hair follicle receptors, it causes hair follicles to shrink or miniaturize. This leads to thinner, shorter, and finer hair.
Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Men
There are two main types of hormone imbalances that affect men. See those imbalances and symptoms below:
Testosterone Deficiency
Testosterone deficiency is particularly prevalent in men over the age of 50. As the male body ages, testosterone production declines. Symptoms of low testosterone include:
  • Weight Loss
  • Loss Of Muscle Mass And Definition
  • Lower Sex Drive
  • Fatigue And Poor Stamina
  • Enlarged Breasts
  • Softer Erections
Excess Estrogen
Some men think they have symptoms of testosterone deficiency, but in reality, it’s just excess estrogen. Symptoms of excess estrogen are similar to testosterone deficiency and include:
  • Puffiness Or Bloating
  • Irritability
  • Prostate Enlargement
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Breast Enlargement
  • Weight Gain
Other Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
The hormone imbalances listed above are just the most common imbalances for men and women. There are countless other hormone imbalances which may be caused by poor diet, exercise, obesity, or simply genetics. If you suffer from the symptoms listed below, then you may have some type of hormone imbalance:
  • Sweating: Hot flashes, night sweats, and high internal temperatures, for example.
  • Digestion Problems: Gassiness, bloating, and slow digestion are all common hormone problems.
  • Cravings: Constantly craving certain foods or activities could be a sign of a hormone imbalance.
  • Insomnia and Poor Sleep Patterns: Physical stress often leads to cortisol imbalances, which can lead to sleep problems.
  • Anxiety, Irritability, and Depression: Getting angry over little problems? It could be a hormone imbalance.
  • Fatigue: Do you constantly feel tired or sluggish – mentally and physically?
  • Low Libido: A low sex drive for both men and women could be a sign of hormone imbalance.
  • Loss of Muscle Mass and Weight Gain: If you haven’t changed your diet or exercise habits, but have found yourself gaining weight and losing muscle, it could be a hormone problem.
Hormone Imbalance Treatments
If you think you suffer from a hormone imbalance, then contact the office of Dr. Gary. Bellman, a Board-Certified Urologist and leading hormone specialist. Learn about which type of hormone imbalance that you may be suffering from and about some of the best treatment methods available to you!  818- 912- 1899

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